Woke up this morning half asleep etc...
I admit it, I've been a flickr group whore, submitting my pics to 5, 10, 20 groups just to solicit feedback? Why? To get some recognition, perhaps?
Then this morning I look at my fav group strobist and there are 180 new images in there all submitted 8 hours ago.
Who am I trying to kid/satisfy/please?
No more. It ends now.
I will submit a pic to one group only. If the group ignores it or loves it, it doesn't matter.
What matters is the pleasure I get from creating the image in the first place and the reaction of my subject.
wonder if you kept it up...
Isn't the answer to why you group whore(d) that you'd like people to see your pics? If there was anything wrong with that I wonder what exactly the point of posting online is.
I didn't keep it up at all. I tried in vain for at least a month. ah well. You are right and the addiction to feedback is harder to fight than I thought.
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