Sunday, February 24, 2008

Change of title

The great thing about having no subscribers is that I can make changes without too much explanation. The title of this blg used to be "Wannabe", because I wanted to be consider a photographer. Now I am comfortable that I am a photographer. Presto change-o

Saturday, February 23, 2008

In The Mix

In The Mix, originally uploaded by steve.wannabe.

Shoot last night at The Greenhouse, Bristol with DJ Dan

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Being Human (2008) (TV)

Being Human (2008) (TV)
Absolutely awesome. My expectations were low but this is as good as Torchwood. Excellent acting, atmosphere, plot lines and subtle comedy.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

say WHAT?? on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

A cautionary story on copyright theft of photos from Flickr user _Rebekkasay WHAT?? on Flickr - Photo Sharing!.
Flickr, like all social networks, relies on trust. Yet it seems that for the small amount that iStockphoto, some jerk is stealing work flickr and posting it as his/her own.