Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Closing Swimming Pools & Democracy

Read this article on the closure of two swimming pools in Bristol.

So... we have an aging population, more unfit than ever and someone somewhere thinks it makes sense to close two badly needed pools. Why: because it saves money.

Here's what you can do to stop it:
  • get passionate - stay passionate about the issue!
  • find out the email address of your local MP, local councillor or parish councillor (start at at or the council website and work backwards)
  • send her/him a mail asking for their stance on the issue
  • if she/he supports closure; tell them that you will vote for whoever opposes closure and, if you can't find a suitable candidate; you will stand for office.
Many MPs and councillors hold very slim majorities. Standing against them as a single issue candidate may not change the world but it might start a big ball rolling.

And this argument doesn't only apply to the people in Bristol. If you can see something is stupid and, despite your complaints, nothing is done then - do something.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

first signs of civilization

first signs of civilization
Originally uploaded by steve.wannabe.
I just got back from a long weekend in Spain. I have completely revised my opinion of the area we stayed in and now love it. Benalmedina. A very British-Spanish part of Spain. This image got to me. Walking along the promenade Saturday morning, we came across this. Just how many visual instructions can we digest in one go?

Monday, November 21, 2005

Google Local for mobile

O wow, what a lovely application! Google Local for mobile. There can't be many times where that phrase has been used.

I got a link to the Salesblood website from both Tom Peters' and Seth Godin's blogs. Even if you are not in Sales, have a serious think about signing up and committing to give blood.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

William Eggleston: In The Real World

Small Objects of Desire: I just read the review and then watched the trailer for this film. Eggleston is one of those photographers that inspire.

His stripped-to-the-bones use of colour makes me feel that I don't have the degree of peripheral vision wide enough to take in what I see. Can't wait to see it but there's no showing planned near me. I think I will need to wait for the DVD. Curses!

Thursday, November 17, 2005


Falling in love with somewhere isn’t usual for me but this place is entrancing, seductive, buzzing, crowded, vibrant and fun.

I’ve been here since Thursday and can see/sense/smell the excitement. Everyone is aspirational. The guy living in polysheet and cardboard shack on side of the road aims to get a house, the auto-wallah wants a taxi, the taxi-driver wants a limo and so on.

Everyone I have come into contact with is friendly, bright and enthusiastic. What a place! From the madness of KR market to the rather sedate atmosphere of my hotel, it’s truly exceptional.

Written Monday November 13th

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Chicken Little and Henny Penny

Chicken Little & Henny Penny Stories
As I passed 40 then 50, I noticed that my rant ratio increased and continues to do so. I see stories on the TV news and in the newspapers that are all based on the same premise:”the sky is falling!”
Usually the stories are statistics-based and so stupid that even with basic maths skills they are obviously wrong, wrong, wrong. Example ‘Becoming A Father Civilises Men’ from the BBC. Apparently fatherhood significantly reduces testosterone levels. This is based on a survey of 126 men.
66 unmarried men had slightly higher levels of the 30 married men who did not have children.
So – does the last statistic prove that marriage also slightly reduces testosterone levels?
The worrying thing about this is that the report does not say ‘may’. It reports that whole survey finding as fact. Sheesh. Stop it. Can we have the news back – please.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

History's worst software bugs

I saw this on my googledesktop this morning.
Intrigued I drilled down. I didn't quite get what I was expecting.
Here's what I got.

Hurry.Come.Go II

The daily commute. They must have the most wonderful job in the world. After all no-one measures employees by the clock today (do they?). It was 8.20 a.m. The walk to the office downtown takes a maximum of 10 minutes. Yet they are running. What kind of enthusiasm makes you hurry? I imagine they really love their job. It must be truly inspirational to make them hurry so.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Hurry Come Go

Hurry Come Go
Originally uploaded by steve.wannabe.
Now this is worth rushing for. Who are receiving the flowers? Is it a wedding, a party, a christening or just a romantic gesture?
Taken in Venice as these guys ran towards me

Friday, November 04, 2005

Yep. You the Boss. Right.

Yep. You the Boss. Right.
Originally uploaded by steve.wannabe.
I think this applies in the workplace too. You see senior mangers wandering around in better suits clearly marking them as higher ups.

And all the while, someone lower down the food chain is admiring them.

You are under my power. The food is mine...

It's amazing the telepathic powers dogs think they have.

Most dogs believe if you simply stare at the food long enough, hard enough then it will simply float to you.

And they never grow out of this belief.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Swineford Cheney

Originally uploaded by steve.wannabe.
The first of a planned series of pictures capturing the inhabitants of Swineford Cheyney.

Swineford Cheney is a small village in the West Country twinned with Stepford in the USA, Vergessing in Germany and Les Teints-Perdu in France.

This picture is of Bart Easilay and his (estranged) wife, Lulu-Jezebel MacFarlane.