Friday, December 23, 2005

x-town traffic

x-town traffic
Originally uploaded by steve.wannabe.
NYC has gone through a much publicized public transit strike this week. This was taken on the coldest & best weekend away, we have ever enjoyed when New York was 10 degree below zero (F). What a wonderful place.

How's My Driving

Seen on a very dirty green truck journey from Reading to Bristol Wednesday Dec 21st

How's My Driving?
Only, my Mum worries...

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

BBC SPORT | Football | My Club | Bristol City | Johnson is confident of recovery

I love Bristol City FC. There I said it. It's not the love I feel for my family or friends; it's deep affection coupled with frustration and disbelief. After a disastrous start to the season- BBC SPORT | Football | My Club | Bristol City | Johnson is confident of recovery- slowly we're on our way back. Think of us before you sleep tonight.



Today, I am really proud of this scepter’d isle; this jewel set in an evanescent sea.

Today, Civil Partnerships between same sex couples became legal in England & Wales. Northern ireland and Scotland having led the way on Monday and Tuesday.

I’m proud that we recognize that there really are different strokes for different folks and that everyone is entitled to the same treatment under the law; regardless of race, creed, age, gender, belief, ability or sexual orientation.


Tagging. Using Flickr, I realise that the future is about tagging. Metadata if you will. Even metatagging: tags about tags.
Flickr uses tags to capture charactistics; to categorize images from users to make the images easier to find for other users.
Enterprise data, if it is structured, does not need tagging (maybe) because it comes complete with metadata but what about unstructured data attached to enterprise data: tagging that would make it easy to find, easy to categorize/classify and easy to measure.


It’s all about context. Personal opinion, of course. What I do for a living is put things/ideas/thoughts/software applications in context. I think that I answer the question: “That’s all very well, but how does it help me/my business?”

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Pound (Dollar) Shops = Treasure Trove

Love Pound shops. Especially our local one: What a Choice!. Also known in our household as s**tshops. Every visit a hunt for hidden valueables. Like the time I bought 6 DVDs each containing lovely B&W Hollywood movies from film noir to classics to comedy. Happyness is: a pound shop and an hour to waste.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Wired News: Monsters of Photorealism

Hmmm. Even though I make analog, I shoot digital. And one of the analog (film) fans gripes about digital is that it doesn't measure up quality-wise to film. This article:Wired News: Monsters of Photorealism suggests that the best simulacra are low-res so why chase high res?

Thursday, December 01, 2005



Links between human beings, friends, families, and whole communities are now more tenuous than ever - despite the information superduper highway.

You might wave a blackberry to prove me wrong or show me the number of personal mails in your mailbox or quote me the number of times you receive instant messages from your kids or tell me how long you’ve been on the ‘phone to your mother just today. But – I argue that all these are (sometimes) contacts of little depth. Shallow. Tenuous. Ephemeral. Nice but not enough.

When was the last time you really communicated something of value with someone who counts. Does the ILY at the end of the mail count? How about the ‘love you’ at the end of a call? Sure, I know you meant it. Sincerely. Really. But could you honestly say you were mentally looking that person in the eye at the time?

I don’t mean that the quantity of words makes a difference. But the way you use them does and the context, the richness of language.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Closing Swimming Pools & Democracy

Read this article on the closure of two swimming pools in Bristol.

So... we have an aging population, more unfit than ever and someone somewhere thinks it makes sense to close two badly needed pools. Why: because it saves money.

Here's what you can do to stop it:
  • get passionate - stay passionate about the issue!
  • find out the email address of your local MP, local councillor or parish councillor (start at at or the council website and work backwards)
  • send her/him a mail asking for their stance on the issue
  • if she/he supports closure; tell them that you will vote for whoever opposes closure and, if you can't find a suitable candidate; you will stand for office.
Many MPs and councillors hold very slim majorities. Standing against them as a single issue candidate may not change the world but it might start a big ball rolling.

And this argument doesn't only apply to the people in Bristol. If you can see something is stupid and, despite your complaints, nothing is done then - do something.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

first signs of civilization

first signs of civilization
Originally uploaded by steve.wannabe.
I just got back from a long weekend in Spain. I have completely revised my opinion of the area we stayed in and now love it. Benalmedina. A very British-Spanish part of Spain. This image got to me. Walking along the promenade Saturday morning, we came across this. Just how many visual instructions can we digest in one go?

Monday, November 21, 2005

Google Local for mobile

O wow, what a lovely application! Google Local for mobile. There can't be many times where that phrase has been used.

I got a link to the Salesblood website from both Tom Peters' and Seth Godin's blogs. Even if you are not in Sales, have a serious think about signing up and committing to give blood.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

William Eggleston: In The Real World

Small Objects of Desire: I just read the review and then watched the trailer for this film. Eggleston is one of those photographers that inspire.

His stripped-to-the-bones use of colour makes me feel that I don't have the degree of peripheral vision wide enough to take in what I see. Can't wait to see it but there's no showing planned near me. I think I will need to wait for the DVD. Curses!

Thursday, November 17, 2005


Falling in love with somewhere isn’t usual for me but this place is entrancing, seductive, buzzing, crowded, vibrant and fun.

I’ve been here since Thursday and can see/sense/smell the excitement. Everyone is aspirational. The guy living in polysheet and cardboard shack on side of the road aims to get a house, the auto-wallah wants a taxi, the taxi-driver wants a limo and so on.

Everyone I have come into contact with is friendly, bright and enthusiastic. What a place! From the madness of KR market to the rather sedate atmosphere of my hotel, it’s truly exceptional.

Written Monday November 13th

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Chicken Little and Henny Penny

Chicken Little & Henny Penny Stories
As I passed 40 then 50, I noticed that my rant ratio increased and continues to do so. I see stories on the TV news and in the newspapers that are all based on the same premise:”the sky is falling!”
Usually the stories are statistics-based and so stupid that even with basic maths skills they are obviously wrong, wrong, wrong. Example ‘Becoming A Father Civilises Men’ from the BBC. Apparently fatherhood significantly reduces testosterone levels. This is based on a survey of 126 men.
66 unmarried men had slightly higher levels of the 30 married men who did not have children.
So – does the last statistic prove that marriage also slightly reduces testosterone levels?
The worrying thing about this is that the report does not say ‘may’. It reports that whole survey finding as fact. Sheesh. Stop it. Can we have the news back – please.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

History's worst software bugs

I saw this on my googledesktop this morning.
Intrigued I drilled down. I didn't quite get what I was expecting.
Here's what I got.

Hurry.Come.Go II

The daily commute. They must have the most wonderful job in the world. After all no-one measures employees by the clock today (do they?). It was 8.20 a.m. The walk to the office downtown takes a maximum of 10 minutes. Yet they are running. What kind of enthusiasm makes you hurry? I imagine they really love their job. It must be truly inspirational to make them hurry so.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Hurry Come Go

Hurry Come Go
Originally uploaded by steve.wannabe.
Now this is worth rushing for. Who are receiving the flowers? Is it a wedding, a party, a christening or just a romantic gesture?
Taken in Venice as these guys ran towards me

Friday, November 04, 2005

Yep. You the Boss. Right.

Yep. You the Boss. Right.
Originally uploaded by steve.wannabe.
I think this applies in the workplace too. You see senior mangers wandering around in better suits clearly marking them as higher ups.

And all the while, someone lower down the food chain is admiring them.

You are under my power. The food is mine...

It's amazing the telepathic powers dogs think they have.

Most dogs believe if you simply stare at the food long enough, hard enough then it will simply float to you.

And they never grow out of this belief.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Swineford Cheney

Originally uploaded by steve.wannabe.
The first of a planned series of pictures capturing the inhabitants of Swineford Cheyney.

Swineford Cheney is a small village in the West Country twinned with Stepford in the USA, Vergessing in Germany and Les Teints-Perdu in France.

This picture is of Bart Easilay and his (estranged) wife, Lulu-Jezebel MacFarlane.

Monday, October 31, 2005

Bryony, The Lady Of Shalott

Originally uploaded by steve.wannabe.
From a shoot at the weekend. I tried to capture the end of Autumn, the beginning of winter.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Horsley MO360

Horsley MO360

I mentioned before that one of my interests is the insanely great Horsley Camera Company. This morning, after starting work on the day job @ 6.45, I had a creative epiphany - a ‘what if’ moment.

You know that you can put 35mm film into any medium format camera and turn it into a panoramic (of sorts) – well…. what if we did this to a medium format panoramic? Mike Rignall (our incredibly talented camera designer and CDO*) pondered and came back to me with the Horsley MO360: a full functional 360-degree panoramic camera powered by hand. Woohoo!

With negatives that are 24mm x 200mm in size! Lawks-a-mussy.

The great thing was… Mike did the original design 4 years ago. So…. Following ‘Ethel’ (see my earlier post), We will release the Horsley MO360 in a couple of weeks. Watch this space.

*CDO = Chief Dream Officer

Avian Flu

Avian Flu & The Modern Guide To Health
Not a day passes without some article on the web, in the newspapers, on the TV about the dread fear of Avian Flu and the millions of possible casualties. Every one of these newsblips contains statistics and amplified scary stories yet little advice is given. How I long for a time when we were slightly more innocent and more pragmatic. Have a look at our parents received advice at the National Film Archive at
I recommend Modern Guide To Health, every thing from slumping at an office desk, sunshine and wearing tight socks. Happy Days.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Google Base

Google Base
Originally uploaded by dirson.
Just saw this. There is no stopping these clever people is there? Thanks to dirson for posting this on flickr

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


That which is done after the human mind loses the ability to focus/concentrate

Tom Peters

Just been reading Tom Peters’ blog. I’m a University of Bath MBA (1998) and remember reading  In Search Of Excellence a few years earlier. It was one of those books that convinced me to take the MBA.
Tom’s still got it. I recommend everyone get over to his blog at now. In particular, checkout his Project 05 piece.

Saturday, October 22, 2005


final body 2
Originally uploaded by steve.wannabe.
For my sins,I am the proud owner of Horsley Camera Co ( this is our latest baby. ETHEL, a true 360 degree rotational medium format camera. Ain't she cute. Released to eBay today. 2.4 kg, cigars all round.

Thursday, October 20, 2005


Originally uploaded by steve.wannabe.
another one from Sunday's shoot. I just love the energy of this picture.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

6 hours to the big one

Minus 6 hours
Originally uploaded by steve.wannabe.
Took this at the VJ day exhibition in Bristol.I've tried to create the look and feel of a carbro print.

Monday, October 17, 2005


Shot this yesterday at Paintworks Bristol. The model was probably one of the most photogenic people I've ever photographed. Posted by Picasa

Friday, October 07, 2005

Gregory Crewdson

On Crewdson, Friday 7 October 2005
I’m reaching a sort of impasse in my photography where my influences seem to swamping the ability to produce something new and original. Until now I’ve specialized in ‘Hollywood’ portraits and been influenced by Hurrell, Powolski, etc – I sorta branched off from this into stuff that’s Film Noir influenced and now I’ve seen and studied Gregory Crewdson’s stuff, I’m trying to work out how I can synthesize the three threads and make something that’s mine.
Anyone else go through this?

Thursday, September 01, 2005

taken at a gig last year. This all seems so trivial after watching the disaster in Louisiana. If anyone from that area or the US comes across this, our thoughts and prayers are with you. Steve

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

This was taken a week ago, just as I left the a recent gig by Red Hot a local Rocakbilly band


I’m trying to put together a portfolio of shots on the theme of “Dance”. I’ve been working on this since September 04, staring with a night at the dress rehearsal of a local amateur dramatic society’s production of Swing Something Simple (see This has no progressed to work done at the local Rock n Roll Club and at some rock gigs.

Watch this space for my work. Feel free to comment.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Took this at the Pink Cadillac Rock n Roll Club in Bristol in July 2005. Even though the two lamps above Jason & Sam's heads are a little distracting, I felt cloning them out was a cheat Posted by Picasa

Welcome, August 2005

Never tried to do this before but here goes. My name's Steve Cox. I'm a keen amateur photographer and plan to use this blog to display my work and write... just a little.

I live in the beautiful village of Bitton - halfway between Bristol and Bath in the English West Country, with my wife Karen and our kids James & Aime. I have two other children, Kirstin who live in Bristol.

We have two Irish Wolfhounds - Murphy & Cerys. Big dogs. Huge dogs. Wonderful, warm, caring affectionate personalities. I guarantee there will be photographs of the dogs that will appear on these pages.

As you can see from the title, this is a photoblog. Most of my photographs are portraits. I am highly influenced by the work of Testino, Hurrell, Cornell Lucas, etc. and much of my work shows these influences: whether it's good or bad, that's something you'll need to judge. I like all my work but I'm biased.